Uber Office Address Name:
Uber Office Address in Kolkata,Uber.com Kolkata, West Bengal Office Contact Details (Toll-Free Helpline Number /Customer Care Number )
Head Office:
Kolkata, West Bengal
Official Website:
Uber Kolkata Customer Service Email ID:
Email Ids:
Twitter ID:
Facebook Fan Page:
Instagram Handle:
Office Timings: n/a
Google Plus: n/a
YouTube Channel: n/a
Phone Numbers: n/a
Mobile Number: n/a
Fax Number : n/a
Customer Care Support Timings: n/a
Uber Kolkata Regional Office Address: n/a
Uber Kolkata Customer Care Numbers: n/a
We burn occasion by arranging the world in movement
Great things happen when characters can move, whether beyond the town or to their dreams. Occasions appear, become reality, open up. What originated as a way to touch a button to take a trip has reached billions of flashes of the personal bond as people approximately the world go to all kinds of positions in all kinds of spaces with the relief of our technology.
Uber is investing in becoming enough electric, zero-emission stage by 2040, with 100% of rides leading place in on public transit, zero-emission vehicles, or with micro-mobility. It is our responsibility as the special mobility stands in the world to extra aggressively tackle the provocation of climate diversity. We will make this by advising riders more ways to ride green, making transparency a priority, helping drivers go electric, and partnering with NGOs and the special sector to help promote a clean and just energy transformation.
Uber India is an Indian subsidiary of San Francisco-based Uber organization. It is a global arrangement of cabs. Travis Cordell Kalanick and Ryan Allan Graves are the Executives of this corporation. Uber Cabs submit excellent duty to their customers. It was commenced on 16 August 2013 in India and is perceived for producing low rates cabs So we always using riding only uber cabs.